33614 Five Mile Rd, Livonia, Mi 48154 | 734.525.3161 | Email: tfrmary@comcast.net
Evenings & Earlier Appointments Call Ahead - Our Studio is COVID Compliant
Tuesday - Friday: 10am - 4pm | Saturday 9am - 1pm
Mondays are available by appointment only

Call or Email Us - By Appointment Only 734.525.3161 | Email: tfrmary@comcast.net

Our Services
The Front Room offers a wide variety of options for overcoming loss of hair and baldness. From extensions to fusions to integrations, we provide both men and women with many effective alternatives and solutions to going bald.
We design each treatment to meet your particular needs and requirements and are dedicated to finding the most effective solution for your situation. More importantly, however, we strive to find a solution that you will be comfortable with.

Hair Replacement & Hair Systems
There are two very different types of hair systems available; Stock and Custom. The names should indicate the biggest difference between them.
Stock Hair Systems
These are mass produced according to the most common color graduations and hair loss sizes. Because they are sold "as is" and off-the-shelf, they can be a very inexpensive way to buy. However, many people have a more unique (or larger) hair loss pattern than the standard horseshoe shape.
Custom Hair Systems
The obvious benefit to a custom system is the level of measurements that are taken for your specific size and pattern of hair loss. Getting an exact color match and organic graduation into your own natural growing hair is also an important detail to achieving an undetectable look.
On top of the added levels of detail
A custom hair system is often made from lighter materials. Plus more attention is usually paid to the front hairline (often thought to be the most important part of a hair system).
There are many hair replacement bonding techniques available to ensure your hair system looks completely natural. Which one
you use will be determined by what kind of hair system works best for you, as well as the pattern of your hair loss and the natural hair we match for you.
Perimeter Bonding of Hair Systems.
This manner of bonding your hair piece involves applying adhesive around the perimeter of your hair system in order to attach it securely. This ensures a secure fit while allowing for breathability at the top of the head.
Full Head Bonding of Hair Systems
Some people want the most secure fit possible and do full head hair bonding. Whether this is appropriate for you depends on the piece you choose and whether your lifestyle demands a more careful and thorough application of adhesive.
Lace Front Bonding
Some individuals are most comfortable with a lace front closure, which creates a natural look along your hairline. This is a secure way to attach your hair piece that is also undetectable and discreet.
Hair Bonding

Wigs Stock or Custom made
Wigs for Cancer Patients
Although hair loss in women can originate from a variety of medical and hereditary factors, many of the hair loss wigs we sell
are wigs for cancer patients. The current treatments for many forms of cancer involve procedures such as chemotherapy that
dramatically decrease or completely eliminate the hair on one's body. Although hair may not be the most important concern for cancer sufferers, many women (and men) find comfort in wearing cancer wigs while undergoing treatment.
Wigs for Alopecia & Other Conditions
Alopecia is a less well-known condition, but affects the lives of thousands of men and women in the United States. A disease of
the hair follicles, alopecia sufferers experience hair loss that can range from only small patches of baldness to rarer cases marked by the complete lack of hair on the body. A notoriously unpredictable condition and difficult to treat, many sufferers find
that wearing wigs for Alopecia is a practical and attractive solution for their everyday beauty needs. Of course, there are a range of other conditions that can cause temporary or permanent hair loss.

33614 Five Mile Rd, Livonia, Mi 48154
734.525.3161 | Email: tfrmary@comcast.net

- Private rooms and comfortable and cozy atmosphere
- Referrals given if needed: To see or talk to other clients
- Affordable pricing, We accept all major Credit cards
- Visa, Master card, American Express, Discover
- Overnight if necessary to supply a new unit

Hair Integration

Hair integration
Is a non-surgical procedure which involves blending your existing hair with real hair that is attached to a custom-made 'unit'. This
unit, made of ultra-fine, soft mesh and shaped to fit you, is cleverly and discreetly secured to your head.